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Fox Valley Think Tank Survey Data Scenario Planning Maps

Expected Future

The data presented in this scatterplot represent participants' expectations of the future of the region if no changes are made to the local industry mix or models of collaboration. Each participant was asked to identify a specific point within the space of the four plausible scenarios identified. This scatterplot aggregates those predictions.

Preferred Future

The data presented in this scatterplot represent participants' preferred regional future assuming that strategic changes and improvements can be made to the local industry mix and models of collaboration. Each participant was asked to identify a specific point within the space of the four plausible scenarios identified. This scatterplot aggregates those predictions.

Categorical Preference

In addition to identifying specific points within both the expected and preferred scenario spaces, think tank participants were also asked a series of six questions related to their willingness to change in terms of Industry Diversification and Regional Collaboration. The data in this scatterplot represents the weighted averages of their responses to these questions. Please note that there is a great deal of consistency between the distributions of responses in this space with the predictions included in the Preferred Future Scatterplot.