Using Network Maps
This section provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to use and understand the various network maps. Below is a series of short training videos that will help you learn about network mapping and how to use the network maps to better connect to people and resources within the Fox Valley region.
Using Network Maps Introduction to the use of the network maps

Introduction to Network Analysis Maps
This training video provides an overview of how Network Analysis Maps work, and how you can adjust the maps. This will guide you through in a step-by-step process on using the maps.

Introduction to Collaboration and Technical Information Maps
This video will give an overview of how to interrogate the maps produced as part of this network-mapping platform. These maps explore the network in terms of:
- Collaboration patterns and importance of various network relationships
- Where in the network people are seeking technical and expert information.

How to Use Maps to Increase Connectedness
This video will review how you can use the maps to examine your own individual network. It also includes ideas and approaches to how you can strengthen your own network, and your relevance within the overall service provider network.